14 research outputs found

    On the hardware reduction of z-datapath of vectoring CORDIC

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    In this article we present a novel design of a hardware optimal vectoring CORDIC processor. We present a mathematical theory to show that using bipolar binary notation it is possible to eliminate all the arithmetic computations required along the z-datapath. Using this technique it is possible to achieve three and 1.5 times reduction in the number of registers and adder respectively compared to conventional CORDIC. Following this, a 16-bit vectoring CORDIC is designed for the application in Synchronizer for IEEE 802.11a standard. The total area and dynamic power consumption of the processor is 0.14 mm2 and 700?W respectively when synthesized in 0.18?m CMOS library which shows its effectiveness as a low-area low-power processor

    Exploration of Power Optimal Implementation Technique of 128-Pt FFT/IFFT for WPAN using Pseudo-Parallel Datapath Structure

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    An optimal implementation of 128-Pt FFT/IFFT for low power IEEE 802.15.3a WPAN using pseudo-parallel datapath structure is presented, where the 128-Pt FFT is devolved into 8-Pt and 16-Pt FFTs and then once again by devolving the 16-Pt FFT into and . We analyze 128-Pt FFT/IFFT architecture for various pseudo-parallel 8-Pt and 16-Pt FFTs and an optimum datapath architecture is explored. It is suggested that there exist an optimum degree of parallelism for the given algorithm. The analysis demonstrated that with modest increase in area one can achieve significant reduction in power. The proposed architectures complete one parallel-to-parallel (i.e., when all input data are available in parallel and all output data are generated in parallel) 128-point FFT computation in less than 312ns and thereby meeting the standard specification. The relative merits and demerits of these architectures have been analyzed from the algorithm as well as implementation point of view. Detailed power analysis of each of the architectures with different number of data paths at block level is described. We found that from power perspective the architecture with eight datapaths is optimum. The core power consumption with optimum case is 60.6mw which is only less than half of the latest reported 128-point FFT design in 0.18u technology. Apart from the low power consumption, the advantages of the proposed architectures include reduced hardware complexity, regular data flow and simple counter based control

    Ability of single-chain Fv molecules to inhibit cell viability correlates with epitope.

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    <p>A) Intact (dI-IV) and sub-domains (dI, dI-II, dIII, dIII-IV) of ERBB3 extracellular domain were expressed and subjected to immunoprecipitations with immobilized scFv under conditions of antibody excess. S  =  supernatant (unbound fraction), P  =  pellet (bound fraction).</p

    Combining A5 and F4 IgGs improves growth inhibition of ERBB3-positive cell lines and synergizes with ERBB-targeted agents.

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    <p>Individual, pairwise, and triple combinations of A5, F4 and either trastuzumab or erlotinib (as appropriate) were serially diluted (2-fold dilution scheme) and incubated with the ERBB2-positive cell lines, BT-474, SK-BR-3, NCI-N87, and EGFR-positive cell line ACHN, as noted. Concentration plotted on the x-axis refers to anti-ERBB3 IgG concentration. Trastuzumab and erlotinib are at 1∶200 molar ratios with anti-ERBB3 antibodies. The impact of treatment on cell viability was quantified with Cell-Titer Blue. Vehicle-treated controls for each cell line were set at 100%. Values plotted represent the means ± standard error of the means (SEM) for between 2–6 independent experiments, each carried out in triplicate.</p

    Anti-ERBB3 mAbs inhibit ligand-mediated ErbB3 signaling.

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    <p>A) Serum-starved BT-474, NCI-N87 and ACHN cells were treated with appropriate antibodies or PBS for 30 minutes followed by HRGÎČ stimulation for 10 minutes. B) NCI-N87 cells were treated with either the A5/F4 oligoclonal or PBS and stimulated with HRGÎČ, as appropriate, over a 60 minute time course. Cell lysates were analyzed by western blot and probed with anti-pAKT(S473) as a marker for ligand-induced signaling. Membranes were probed with anti-beta actin mAb that served as loading control.</p

    The A5/F4 oligoclonal exhibits in vivo efficacy.

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    <p>NCR nu/nu mice harboring 120–150 mm<sup>3</sup> NCI-N87 subcutaneous tumor xenografts were randomly assigned into treatment groups (n≄6/group) and received i.p injections as described in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0112376#s2" target="_blank">Methods</a>. Means +/−SEM of percentage tumor volume growth is shown for each measurement. Statistical analysis was performed with Wilcoxon Ranked Sum test.</p